Java Map

In this article, we will talk about Java Map Interface which is under java.util package, how it works, and analyze its main implementations.

1. What is a Map in Java

You can imagine a Map as a Data Structure which contains Key-Value pairs. This mapping is an Entry of the Map. For example, it could contain an id of a Person, mapped by his/her name. This map would look like this (We use the HashMap implementation as it’s the most commonly used):

Map Visualization
Figure 1 – A Map visualization

With regard to classes and interfaces relations, you can check the diagram below:

Map Interface Relations
Figure 2 – Map Interface Relations

2. Java Map Interface Methods

In this section, we’ll go through all the methods provided by this interface.

2.1 Modification Methods

Modification methods are methods that can alter a list, either by changing an entry of the map or by removing or adding new entries.

Below you can find all of them:

Method SignatureDescription
V compute(K key, BiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)Accepts a key, a function that has a key and a value as parameters, and returns the new value which then will be returned
V computeIfAbsent(K key, Function<? super K,? extends V> mappingFunction)Works exactly like compute(), but it will act only if there isn’t any associated value with the specified key, or the key is null
V computeIfPresent(K key, BiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)Works exactly like compute(), but it will act only if there is an associated value with the specified key
V merge(K key, V value, BiFunction<? super V,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)Accepts a key, a value, a function that has the old value and some value, as parameters, and returns the new value which then will be returned.
V put(K key, V value)Inserts a new entry in the map, given a specific key and a value. If the key already exists, it will be overridden.
void putAll(Map<? extends K,? extends V> m)This method inserts all the entries of the map given as a parameter, into the map.
V putIfAbsent(K key, V value)Acts exactly like put(), but only if the key does not exist in the map.
V remove(Object key)Removes a mapping that contains the key specified.
boolean remove(Object key, Object value)Removes a mapping only if there is an entry with the specific key and specific value.
V replace(K key, V value)Replaces an entry only if there is an entry with the specific key and this key maps to some value.
boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue)Replaces an entry only if there is an entry with the specific key and this key maps to the oldValue.
void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends V> function)Accepts a function that takes a key and a value as parameters, and returns a new value, This can be used to replace every entry of a map.
void clear()Empties the map
Table 1 – Modification Methods

For code examples of each method, you can check HashMap Java Tutorial, Sections 3.1, 3.3, 3.4.

2.2 Information and Access Methods

Method SignatureDescription
boolean containsKey(Object key)Returns true if the specified key exists in the map

boolean containsValue(Object value)
Returns true if the specified value exists in the map
Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet()Returns a set with all the entries of the map. Each entry is a key-value pair
boolean equals(Object o)Compares two maps, and returns true if they are equal
V get(Object key)Returns the value of the mapping, given a specific key
default V
getOrDefault(Object key, V defaultValue)
Returns the value of the mapping if the key exists, else returns the specified default value
int hashCode()Returns the hash code value for this map
boolean isEmpty()Returns true if the size of this map is 0
Set<K> keySet()Returns a set containing all the keys of the map
int size()Returns the size of the map
Collection<V> values()Returns a collection containing all the values of this map
Table 2- Information and Access Methods

3. Iterating a Java HashMap

For this section, we’ll use the HashMap implementation of the Map.

3.1 Using forEach

Map interface provides the method forEach(BiConsumer<? super K,? super V> action). Here is an example of how we can iterate a map using that method:

        Map<String, String> countries = new HashMap<>();
        countries.put("Greece", "Europe");
        countries.put("Spain", "Europe");
        countries.put("Algeria", "Africa");
        countries.put("USA", "North America");
        countries.put("Brazil", "South America");

        countries.forEach((key, value) -> {

        //Another way to iterate a map using forEach, is through entrySet() method
        // But this forEach applies to a set, not a map

        //Simplest way to print the whole map

        //Doing actions for each entry, by using Map.Entry inner class
        countries.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
            //actions e.g.

3.2 Using enhanced for loop

If for any reason you don’t want to use the forEach() method, you can use the enhanced for loop.

Here is an example:

        Map<String, String> countries = new HashMap<>();
        countries.put("Greece", "Europe");
        countries.put("Spain", "Europe");
        countries.put("Algeria", "Africa");
        countries.put("USA", "North America");
        countries.put("Brazil", "South America");

        for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : countries.entrySet()){

        //Or you can use just the keyset method
        for(String key : countries.keySet()){
            //Actions, now using the key instead of entry

        // Print the map
        for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : countries.entrySet()){

4. Main Implementations of Java Map Interface

In this section, we’ll analyze the most used implementation of the map interface.

4.1 HashMap

HashMap is the most popular implementation since it is very fast with regard to inserting, removing, and accessing a mapping. It has O(1) time complexity on average, with the worst-case time complexity being O(n). You can find an in-depth analysis of this implementation here.

The characteristics of HashMap are the following:

  • Key can have null value but for example, if we run map.put(null, 5) and then map.put(null, 6), the value will be 6. So null is a unique key and only one can exist in the HashMap.
  • Value can be null
  • Insertion order can not be guaranteed
  • Time complexity of get(), put(), remove(), containsKey()
    • On Average: O(1)
    • Worst case : O(n)

4.2 LinkedHashMap

LinkedHashMap is a Linked List and Hash Table implementation of the Map interface. One of its unique characteristics is that it maintains insertion order by default, unlike TreeMap or HashMap.

The cost of maintaining the order comes at needing more space since it uses a doubly-linked list.

4.3 ConcurrentHashMap

ConcurrentHashMap is a thread-safe implementation of Hashtable(it is generally recommended not to be used unless there is a specific reason). Therefore, it should be used instead of HashMap, only in multi-threaded environments, as it will lead to better performance.

Unlike HashMap, key or value cannot be null.

4.4 TreeMap

A Treemap is a Red-Black Binary Search Tree implementation of Map. The main difference with other implementations is that it sorts the keys in ascending order by default. Of course, this can be overridden by providing a comparator when creating the treemap.

Each node contains the following information:

  • Left Node
  • Right Node
  • Key
  • Value
  • Color

Below, you can find a visualization of a TreeMap<Integer, String>, a Treemap with an id as key, and a name as value.

TreeMap visualization
Figure 3 – TreeMap visualization

The characteristics of this implementation are the following:

  • null keys are not allowed(NullPointerException will be thrown).
  • Time complexity of get(), put(), remove() and containsKey() is guaranteed to be around O(logn).
  • It maintains ascending order unless it’s overriden by a Comparator.

5. Comparison of Java Map Interface Implementations

ImplementationBucketsDoubly-linked List BucketsRed-Black Tree
Null allowanceBoth keys and values Both keys and valuesNoneOnly value can be null
OrderRandomInsertion Order RandomAscending by default
Average Time ComplexityO(1)O(1)O(1)O(log n)
Worst Case Time ComplexityO(n)O(n)O(n)O(log n)
Table 3 – Comparison between Map Implementations

6. Conclusion

By now you should be confident when it comes to Maps in Java and which implementation should be used based on the requirements of the application you are building. You can find the source code on our GitHub page.

7. Sources

[1] : Map (Java Platform SE 8) – Oracle

[2] : HashMap (Java Platform SE 8 ) – Oracle

[3] : TreeMap (Java Platform SE 8 ) – Oracle

[4]: LinkedHashMap (Java Platform SE 8 ) – Oracle

[5]: ConcurrentHashMap (Java Platform SE 8 ) – Oracle

[6]: Binary search tree – Wikipedia

[7]: Red–black tree – Wikipedia


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